Coffee Silo

Coffee Silo

Coffee Silo

Silo; It is produced to display rotten and granular products in cafes, supermarkets and coffee shops. It protects the freshness of all products inside without losing moisture, air and temperature.

From 5 kilograms to 400 kilograms, our wide range of silos are designed to store roasted coffee beans in a healthy way for a long time.


Coffee is one of the most preferred hot drinks today. Coffee, which is not only considered as a beverage, but also allows people to relax, reduce stress and stay calmer, comes in many different types. Roasted, ground, black, filtered and many other types of coffees that leave a lasting flavor on people's taste buds are also made at home with various equipment. Coffees, which can be extremely delicious and suitable for people's taste, also need to be stored well. In this context, the coffee silo is one of the most important products. Silos, which protect various foods such as coffee beans, nuts and dragees against moisture and heat, extend the life of food. They are also called storage units that keep coffee beans fresh. The coffee silo, which provides great convenience in the storage of coffee beans, also has a feature that can be mounted on the ceiling or wall. Today, it is possible to see coffee silos in almost all coffee shops where coffee beans and by-products are stored in a better way.

What are Coffee Storage Methods?

Coffees, which are the most consumed beverage after water and tea in our country, are highly preferred in cafes and homes. The increase in the number of coffee shops and the increase in the demand for coffee in cafes has also become important in the high preference of coffees. Coffee consumption is one of the most preferred beverages in our country. Most people start the day by drinking coffee and continue to consume coffee in order to concentrate more on their work. However, whether in cafes, coffee shops or at home, coffee needs to be better protected. Since coffee is sensitive to heat and humidity and can deteriorate over time, it is important to take the best precautions against such situations. As with coffee drinking and brewing methods, the preservation of coffee is also very important. The main enemies of coffee beans or ground coffee are oxygen, heat, light and moisture. To best protect coffee and coffee beans from these factors, coffee silos are needed.


The coffee silo is a practical coffee apparatus that is used to protect and display coffee beans until they are roasted and ground. Coffee silos prevent coffee beans that will not be consumed in a short period of time from oxidizing, losing aroma or becoming stale, and increase the coffee life by 3 months. Coffee silos are also used in coffee shops with a high volume of people, primarily in industrial coffee production centers and package businesses. Coffee silos are also widely used in homes. Coffee silos should be used in homes for the best storage of coffee and coffee beans.

